41st Annual Heroes Ride Bike Tour August 1-3, 2025!

Eastern Route

On the Eastern Route, one will enjoy a 150-mile family friendly ride. The route mostly follows lightly traveled country roads. When on state roads, a large shoulder is available for safe riding. Riders enjoy plenty of rest stops as well as large evening and breakfast meals at overnight locations. Showers are available Saturday night only. Riders can set up a tent if they prefer. Support staff and vehicles are available to ensure the riders have a safe and enjoyable ride. Route sheets are provided on Friday for the start of the ride.

Starting Friday, the ride departs from Appleton in route to New London for a short lunch stop right along the Wolf River (lunch provided) with an overnight stay in Waupaca.

On Day 2, the ride departs early in route to Plover. Lunch will be provided at VFW Post 10262. After lunch we hit the road with a pitstop at a park in Miladore. We will stay overnight in Marshfield. Supper will be provided at American Legion Post 54.

On Sunday, the ride departs early with breakfast at American Legion Post 54. We then hit the road for a short 30 mile ride to our final meeting point before riding into The Highground to celebrate.

Required supplies for the ride:

  • Extra tires/tubes for bicycle
  • Water bottles (water and Gatorade provided)
  • Overnight gear
  • Hygiene items (soap/shampoo)

Route Leaders

Curt 920-539-5148 or email